Health and Wellbeing
Below is a series of resources offering support and advice for talking to young people about topics to do with their health and wellbeing. This includes mental health, physical health, self esteem, coping mechanisms, online life, and substances education. If you would like further information, have any questions or comments, or would like to suggest additional resources, please contact the Head of Wellbeing Beth Steer at
Relationships and Sex Education
Below is a series of resources offering support and advice for talking to young people about topics to do with sex and relationships education. This includes friendships, sexual relationships, LGBTQ+ young people, and puberty education. To request parent and carer copies of the class resources, if you would like further information, have any questions or comments, or would like to suggest additional resources, please contact the Head of Wellbeing Beth Steer at
Careers and the Wider World
Below is a series of resources offering support and advice for talking to young people about topics to do with careers and the wider world. This includes subject choices, university destinations and financial education. If you would like further information, have any questions or comments, or would like to suggest additional resources, please contact the Head of Wellbeing Beth Steer at
Schemes of Work and Policies
Below are the departmental schemes of work and policies for PSHEE. If you would like further information, have any questions or comments, or would like to suggest or request additional resources, please contact the Beth Steer
You are welcome to request parent and carer copies of the Relationships and Sex Education content covered in PSHE. For this or any discussion about the PSHE curriculum and content, please contact Beth Steer (Head of Wellbeing) at beth.steer@boothamschool.comParental Consultation
If you would like to offer your views on how Relationships and Sex Education is taught at Bootham please use the resources below. If you would like further information, have any questions or comments, would like to suggest additional resources or would like to request a phone conversation or meeting to discuss PSHEE at Bootham, please contact the Head of Wellbeing Beth Steer at
Below are recordings of the previous online talks given by the Head of Wellbeing (Beth Steer). If you would like further information, have any questions or comments, or would like to suggest additional resources or topics for future talks, please contact Beth at