On-line Book Selection Sites
These are sites to use for good reading ideas and author information.
These sites should be regarded as on-line tools for selecting books to read. They will all encourage reading for pleasure and are good at suggesting new authors to try if you enter a search for a book you enjoyed.
They will also keep you up to date with new books. To navigate to these sites just follow the links in the logos.Right click on the link and open the booklist in a new window.
Book Blogs
Besides the book review websites such as Teen Reads and Fantastic Fiction there are also many book blog sites. Normally run by single people who are enthusiastic readers these can be a bit overwhelming in number.
To make it easy I am listing here just a few that are considered to be good. You can always search the web for such sites yourself, with searches like 'book blogs' or better still 'teen book blogs' or specific genres such as 'chick lit book blogs'.